Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Chirp Spotlight - The Night Before Christmas Album

I am so excited to have my album as a Chirp
spotlight!!! I have to say, "Thank You" to all of
you that have dropped hints and sent emails
requesting that I be spotlighted in the Chirp.
I appreciate all of you! Also to my good friend
Kristin aka K.McIntyre on the Cricut MB. She is
the one that took the time to compile all of the
information needed and submit it to the Chirp!
Thank you all for this opportunity to be in the
Chirp spotlight.

I am reposting the original thread so it's easy for
everyone to find. Hope you all enjoy a 2nd round. :)

My goal with this book was to tell the story of
The Night Before Christmas. It turned out even
better than I had imagined. : )

Cricut cartridges needed for this book are:
G&BS, CC, CN, JOTS, Keystone, PDDU, DC & ACY.
A list of cartridges and abbreviations can be found in my sidebar.

Santa has landed on the roof.

I think Santa has been caught and is trying to
hide behind the Christmas tree.

Even the little mouse is trying to get a peek.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.

Santa's going to check his list twice.

Shiny red cardstock is from DCWV. I thought
it was perfect for the sleigh.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Create A Window - Christmas Town Square

Here is a quick video of my Christmas Town
Square album. TFL!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Making A Shape Card

Cute little bear card made in CDS using Cricut
EDPD cartridge. Be sure to watch video so you
can make fun shape cards, too.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cute Little Bear Card

This Adorable little bear is from EDPD. I
used design studio to make it a shaped card.
I LOVE this cartridge!!! I am going to send
it to my DD at college. : )

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cut File Information

As some will notice a change in my cut file price and a couple of files that were on the free list are not any longer. Although I don't have to explain, I do want clarify. Through this whole process of offering cut files I have found that I now have created a job for myself. : ) I get many questions every single day that I spend a lot of time answering. While I am very glad to help, I have found I no longer have time for my own personal crafting and take much family time to help with all the downloads and questions. The two files I have taken from the free list are the ones that I spend the most time answering questions on. My Night Before Christmas album alone has been downloaded almost 2,100 times and with that has came lots of questions.

While the price I'm charging is still minimal, it will allow me to recoup some of the expenses that goes along with creating these projects. Yes, it does cost, not to mention all the wasted materials in trying to get things just right so all you have to do is download, cut and create. : ) The guess work is gone. I'm still donating my time and I'm ok with that as I do Love to help and teach others the wonderful art of paper crafting.

For those of you that want to create your own cut files, be sure to watch my video tutorials as I do walk through it step by step. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sending Special Wishes Card

I had to share the card I made for Kayla. I
Love the way it turned out....bright, cheery &

Puppy is from EDPD, Mail is from DC, & fence
is PDDU.

Mailbox is from MC & clouds are from P&F

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Card Shower for Kayla

Many of you have asked about sending Kayla a card. I now have an address....Actually it is her school addy as I thought it would be neat for her to come back to a mailbox full of happy cards! If you would like to send Kayla a card, please email me at or you can send me a pm on the Cricut board for her addy. Thank you!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Good News Update On My Daughters Friend....

Kayla. At the moment she is stable, but still very sick and in need of your prayers. Dr's are trying to determine if new blood clots are forming or if the old ones are getting larger and how to try and stop it. Please continue to pray for Kayla. Thank you!!!

UPDATE 10/16/09
Kayla is doing much better!!! The dr's believe all the blood clots have passed through her heart and are now in her lungs. It does not appear that new clots are forming. By medical standards she is very fortunate to be alive. I have to say....God answers prayer!!!!!! I cannot say Thank You enough for all the prayers that went up for Kayla. Thank you All So Much!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

For Those That Will....I'm Asking for.....

Prayer for my daughters college roommate and friend Kayla. She is in intensive care with multiple blood clots in her heart and lungs. It started with a broken ankle and blood clots formed in her leg that broke loose and travelled to her heart and lungs. She is fortunate to be alive, but is still in need of prayer. Thank you to all that will remember Kayla in your prayers. I will keep you posted. Lisa

Monday, October 12, 2009

Create A Window Fall Album - Cartridge List

You can now find my cut file and tutorial listed on the left hand side of my blog. Below is a list of cartridges needed to cut this file. If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am new at selling tutorials and am learning as I go. Please let me know if you experience any problems with my files. Thank you! Lisa

For the pages of the book you will need:

George and Basic Shapes
Stretch Your Imagination
Every Day Paper Dolls
Paper Doll Dress Up
Christmas Noel

Extras and Embellishments that can easily be changed out for another image are:

Animal Kingdom - Lamb
A Childs Year - Jack-o-lanterns

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Create A Window Video

Here is a quick video showing you my new idea....Create A Window. Hope you like it! : )

Create A Window - Fall Album

Here are a few pictures of my fall create
a window album. Hopefully they show
the dimension of the window. TFL!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Something New........ Coming Soon!

I've got something new going on that I am very excited about. If it all comes together as planned it is going to take your shape albums to a whole new dimension. Not only will it work for shape albums, but can be used in many other paper crafting projects as well. I've had fun designing it and even more fun putting it together. I hope to have the initial project completed and posted very soon. Did I mention....I'm very excited! : )

I am planning to bring you a few in depth files that I'm going to call my feature files. I plan to make them a full tutorial with directions, pictures and the cut file. They will be separate from my free files, but the charge will be minimal. Don't worry, I will still be posting free files, free video tutorials and projects for you. This is just something extra I am going to do in an effort to try and offset some of the cost of keeping up with the newest and the latest, so you have new and up-to-date video tutorials and projects.

Thank you everyone for all of your support! I hope you will check back soon for my very first feature file. I think you are going to like least I hope so. ; )

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Album for the Halloween Swap

Here are some photos of my completed Halloween
album. Video 6....part 1 and 2 now posted below.

Here is how I did the back side of my jack-o-lantern.
I punched a black circle and added a dimensional sticker
of a jack-o-lantern.

Let's Make A Shape Album - Video 6 Part 2

Finally....we made it to the end of this series. It's been a fun journey! Thank you all for watching!