I had to go out of town unexpectedly and wasn't
able to complete the project I wanted to post. :(
I'll give you a hint though......It has to do with
Christmas and yes, it is a book! :) Be sure to check
back as if it turns out like I hope I think you're going
to like it. It's very nostalgic or at least that's what I'm
striving for. ;) Hope to have it posted by next weekend.
In the meantime here is a very quick card I
made last night after I got home. I was a little
tired and had a heavy hand as my little blue bird
is Very Blue, LOL! Again I used some of my favorite
imaginisce paper. The bird stamp and So Tweet is also
from imaginisce. Music notes are from Cricut Stretch your
Imagination. Scallop is from Mini Monograms. Border punch
is Fiskars Apron Lace. I cut an 8.5 x 11 sheet of cardstock in
half lengthwise for the base of the card after watching The Pink
Stampers video doing a card like this. Great for something different.

Inside of card